Resources Included in the Database
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Resources Included in Database

The following resources are included in the database, so any ships mentioned in them will be in this database. Shaded resources, like "American Lloyds' Registry", are in the subscription database only.

Book Lavery, Brian. Shipboard Life and Organisation, 1731-1815 (Publications of the Naval Records Society, Vol. 138). Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 1998.
Book Lawrence, Matthew S., Deborah Marx, John Galluzzo. Shipwrecks of Stellwagen Bank: Disaster in New England's National Marine Sanctuary. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2015.
Web Lawson, Siri Holm. Norwegian Merchant Fleet, 1939-1945.  2001-.
Book Layman, R. D. Naval Aviation in the First World War: Its Impact and Influence. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 1996.
Book Le Pichon, Alain. China Trade and Empire: Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the Origins of British Rule in Hong Kong, 1827-1843. Oxford, England: British Academy, by Oxford University Press, 2006.
Book Leake, Stephen Martin, and Sir Clements R. Markham. Life of Captain Stephen Martin, 1666-1740 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 5). London: Navy Records Society, 1895.
Book Leake, Stephen Martin, and Geoffrey Callender. The Life of Sir John Leake: Rear-Admiral of Great Britain, Vol. 1 (Navy Records Society Vol. 52). London: Navy Records Society, 1920.
Book Leake, Stephen Martin, and Geoffrey Callender. The Life of Sir John Leake: Rear-Admiral of Great Britain, Vol. 2 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 53). London: Navy Records Society, 1920.
Book Leeke, Jim. Manila and Santiago: The New Steel Navy in the Spanish-American War. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press, 2013.
Book Leggett, Don, and Richard Dunn. Re-Inventing the Ship: Science, Technology and the Maritime World, 1800-1918. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate Pub. Co., 2012.
Book Lenton, H T. British & Empire Warships of the Second World War. London: Greenhill Books, 1998.
Book LesStrang, Jacques. Cargo Carriers of the Great Lakes: The Saga of the Great Lakes Fleet -- North America's Fresh Water Merchant Marine. New York: American Legacy, 1981.
Book Levinson, Marc. The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Book Leyland, John. Dispatches and Letters Relating to the Blockade of Brest, 1803-1805, Volume 2 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 21). London: Navy Records Society, 1902.
Book Lille, Sten, and Lars Gronstadt. The Finnish Deep-water Sailers / Suomen valtameripurjehtijat / Finlands djupvattenseglare. Finland: Etela Suomen Kustannus Oy, 1981.
Book Lincoln, Margarette. British Pirates and Society, 1680-1730. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014.
Book Lingwood, John. SD 14: The Great British Shipbuilding Success Story. Kendal: The World Ship Society, 1976.
Book Lipfert, Nathan R. Two Centuries of Maine Shipbuilding: A Visual History. Camden, Maine, Bath, ME: Down East Books Maine Maritime Museum, 2021.
Book Lloyd's of London. Lloyd's War Losses: The First World War: Casualties to Shipping Through Enemy Causes, 1914-1918. London: Lloyd's of London Press, 1990.
Book Lloyd, Christopher, James Lind, Sir Gilbert Blane, and Thomas Trotter. The Health of Seamen: Selections From the Works of Dr. James Lind, Sir Gilbert Blane, and Dr. Thomas Trotter (Navy Records Society, Vol. 107). London: Navy Records Society, 1965.
Book Lloyd, Christopher, ed. The Naval Miscellany, Vol. 4 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 92). London: Navy Records Society, 1952.
Book Lloyd's of London. Lloyd's War Losses: The Second World War, 3 September 1939 - 14 August 1945. London: Lloyd's of London Press, 1989-1991.
Book Love, Don. Shipwrecks on the South Gippsland Coast. Meerlieu, Victoria: Don Love, 2005.
Book Lubbock, Basil. Coolie ships and oil sailers : with illustrations. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd., 1935.
Book Lubbock, Basil. Last of the Windjammers: Volume One. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd., 1927.
Book Lubbock, Basil. Last of the Windjammers: Volume Two. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd., 1935.
Book Lubbock, Basil. The Colonial Clippers. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, 1948.
Book Lubbock, Basil. The Nitrate Clippers. Glasgow: Brown, Son & Ferguson, Ltd., 1932.
Book Lubbock, Basil. The Opium Clippers. Glasgow: Brown, Son, & Ferguson, Ltd., 1933.
Book Lubbock, Basil. The Western Ocean Packets. Boston: Charles E. Lauriat Co., 1925.
Book Lumby, E.W.R. Policy and Operations in the Mediterranean, 1912-14 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 115). London: Navy Records Society, 1970.
Web Lund, Judith N., et al. American Offshore Whaling Voyages: A Database. Mystic, Conn.: Mystic Seaport Museum & New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2018.
Book Luraghi, Raimondo, and Paolo Enrico Coletta. A History of the Confederate Navy. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1996.
Book Lydon, James G. Pirates, Privateers, and Profits. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: The Gregg Press, Inc., 1970.
Book Lyon, David, and Rif Winfield. The Sail & Steam Navy List: All the Ships of the Royal Navy, 1815-1889. London: Chatham, 2004.
Book Lyons, Edmund Lyons, Baron, and A. C. Dewar. The Russian War, 1855: Black Sea: Official Correspondence (Navy Records Society, Vol. 85). London: Navy Records Society, 1945.
Book MacAlpine, Richard S., Charles R. Mitchell. Steamboats on Keuka Lake: Penn Yan, Hammondsport and the Heart of the Finger Lakes. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2015.
Book MacBride, Robert. Civil War Ironclads: The Dawn of Naval Armor. Philadelphia, PA: Chilton Books, 1962.
Book MacDougall, Philip. Chatham Dockyard, 1815-1865: The Industrial Transformation (Navy Records Society, Vol. 154). Aldershot, Hants, and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate for the Navy Records Society, 2009.
Web MacFarlane, John. The Nauticapedia: Celebrating the Stories of the Nautical Heritage of British Columbia, Western and Northern Canada, and Canada’s Naval Forces.  Go there
Book MacFarlane, John M., and Lynn J. Salmon. Around the World in a Dugout Canoe: The Untold Story of Captain John Voss and the Tilikum. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2019.
Book MacGregor, David R. The Tea Clippers: Their History and Development, 1883-1875. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1983.
Book MacGregor, David R. British & American Clippers: A Comparison of Their Design, Construction and Performance in the 1850s. Annapolis, Md.: Naval Institute Press, 1993.
Book MacGregor, David R. Merchant Sailing Ships, 1775-1815: Sovereignty of Sail. London: Conway Maritime, 1985.
Book MacGregor, David R. Merchant Sailing Ships, 1815-1850: Supremacy of Sail. London: Conway Maritime, 1984.
Book MacGregor, David R. Merchant Sailing Ships, 1850-1875: Heyday of Sail. London: Conway Maritime, 1984.
Book Maclay, Edgar Stanton, A. M. A History of American Privateers. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1899.
Book Macpherson, Ken. Canada's Fighting Ships. Toronto: S. Stevens, Hakkert, 1975.
Book Macpherson, Ken, and Ron Barrie. The Ships of Canada's Naval Forces, 1910-2002. St. Catharines,Ontario: Vanwell, 2002.
Book Maginley, Charles D., Ron Barrie, and Bernard Collin. The Canadian Coast Guard Fleet, 1962-2012. Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia: Long Hill Publishing, 2014.
Book Maginley, Charles D., and Bernard Collin. The Ships of Canada's Marine Services. St. Catherines, Ontario: Vanwell Publishing Ltd., 2001.
Book Magra, Christopher P. Poseidon's Curse: British Naval Impressment and Atlantic Origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Book Mainwaring, Sir Henry, and G. E. Mainwaring. The Life and Works of Sir Henry Mainwaring, Vol. 1 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 54). London: Navy Records Society, 1920.
Book Malcomson, Robert . Warships of the Great Lakes, 1754-1834. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2001.
Book Mansfield, J.B. History of the Great Lakes (Volume I). Cleveland, OH: Freshwater Press, 1972.
Book Marchand, John B., and Craig L. Symonds, editor. Charleston Blockade : The Journals of John B. Marchand, U.S. Navy, 1861-1862. Newport, R.I.: Naval War College Press, 1976.
Book Marcil, Eileen Reid. Tall Ships and Tankers: The History of the Davie Shipbuilders. Toronto: M & S, 1997.
Book Marcil, Eileen Reid. The Charley-Man: A History of Wooden Shipbuilding at Quebec, 1763-1893. Kingston, Ont.: Quarry Press, 1995.
Book Marcus, Geoffrey Jules. A Naval History of England (Vol 1: The Formative Centuries). Boston: Little, Brown, 1962.
Book Marcus, Geoffrey Jules. A Naval History of England (Vol 2: The Age of Nelson). Boston: Little, Brown, 1962.
Book Marder, Arthur J., and Mark Jacobsen, and John Horsfield. Old Friends, New Enemies: he Royal Navy anTd the Imperial Japanese Navy, Vol. 2: The Pacific War, 1942-1945. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
Book Marder, Arthur J. Old Friends, New Enemies: The Royal Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy, Vol 1: Strategic Illusions, 1936-1941. Oxford, New York: Clarendon Press, 1981.
Web Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. On the Rocks: Shipwrecks Off the Coast of Nova Scotia. Halifax, N.S.: Province of Nova Scotia, 2007.
Book Markham, John, and Sir Clements R. Markham. Selections From the Correspondence of Admiral John Markham During the Years 1801-4 and 1806-7 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 28). London: Navy Records Society, 1904.
Book Marsden, Reginald Godfrey. Documents Relating to Law and Custom of the Sea, Vol. II: A.D. 1649-1767 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 50). London: Navy Records Society, 1916.
Book Marshall, Don B. California Shipwrecks: Footsteps in the Sea. Seattle, WA: Superior Publishing Company, 1978.
Book Martin, Sir Thomas B., and Sir Richard V. Hamilton. Letters and Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thos. Byam Martin, G.C.B., Vol. 1 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 24). London: Navy Records Society, 1902.
Book Martin, Sir Thomas B., and Sir Richard V. Hamilton. Letters and Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thos. Byam Martin, G.C.B., Vol. 2 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 12). London: Navy Records Society, 1898.
Book Martin, Sir Thomas B., and Sir Richard V. Hamilton. Letters and Papers of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thos. Byam Martin, G.C.B., Vol. 3 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 19). London: Navy Records Society, 1900.
Book Marx, Robert F. Shipwrecks in the Americas. New York: Dover, 1987.
Book Marx, Robert F. Shipwrecks of the Western Hemisphere, 1492-1825. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1975.
Book Mason, Ursula Stuart. The Wrens 1917-77 : a history of the Women's Royal Naval Service. Reading: Educational Explores, 1977.
Book Massman, Emory A. Hospital Ships of World War II: An Illustrated Reference to 39 United States Military Vessels. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1999.
Book Matthews, Frederick C. American Merchant Ships, 1850-1900. Salem, Mass.: Marine Research Society, 1930.
Book Matthews, Frederick C. American Merchant Ships, 1850-1900: Series Two. Salem, Mass.: Marine Research Society, 1931.
Book Mawdsley, Dean L. Cruise Books of the United States Navy in World War II : a Bibliography. Washington DC: Naval Historical Center, 1993.
Book Mawdsley, Dean L. Steel Ships and Iron Pipes: Western Pipe and Steel Company of California: The Company, the Yard, the Ships. San Francisco, Calif.: Associates of the National Maritime Museum Library, 2002.
Book Mawdsley, Evan. The War for the Seas: A Maritime History of World War II. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2019.
Book Maxtone-Graham, John. The Only Way to Cross. New York: Macmillan, 1972.
Book McBride, William M. Technological change and the United States Navy, 1865-1945. Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Book McCart, Neil. Atlantic Liners of the Cunard Line: From 1884 to the Present Day. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire: Patrick Stephens Limited, 1990.
Book McConaghy, Lorraine, and Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest. Warship Under Sail: The USS Decatur in the Pacific West. Seattle, Wash.: Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest, 2009.
Book McCormick, Daniel C. The Wishbone Fleet: A Short History and Fleet List Pertaining to the Marine Operations of the George Hall Corporation and Hall Corporation (Shipping) 1969 Limited. Massena, New York: Daniel C. McCormick, 1972.
Book McGowan, Alan Patrick. The Jacobean Commissions of Enquiry, 1608 and 1618 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 116). London: Navy Records Society, 1971.
Book McGrath, Patrick, M.A. Merchants and Merchandise in Seventeenth-Century Bristol (Bristol Record Society, Vol. 19). Bristol, England: Bristol Record Society, 1955.
Book McGrath, Tim. Give Me a Fast Ship: The Continental Navy and America's Revolution at Sea. New York: NAL Caliber, 2014.
Book McKee, Eric, and Basil Greenhill. Working Boats of Britain: Their Shape and Purpose. London: Conway Maritime Press, 1997.
Book McKenna, Joseph. British Ships in the Confederate Navy. Jefferson, North Carolina, and London: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2010.
Book McLaren, T.A., and Vickie Jensen. Ships of Steel: a British Columbia Shipbuilder's Story. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2000.
Book McLaughlin, Stephen. Russian & Soviet Battleships. Annapolis, Marylan: Naval Institute Press, 2003.
Book McLellan, Roderick Scott. Anchor Line, 1856-1956. Glasgow: Anchor Line Limited, 1956.
Book Mearns, David L. The Sinking of HMAS Sydney : How Australia's Greatest Maritime Mystery was Solved. Sydney, NSW: HarperCollins Australia Pty Limited, 2018.
Book Melton, Jim. Ships' Deserters, 1852-1900: Including Stragglers, Strays, and Absentees from H.M. Ships. Sydney: Sydney Library of Australian History, 1986.
Book Merriman, Reginald Dundas. Queen Anne's Navy: Documents Concerning the Administration of the Navy of Queen Anne, 1702-1714 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 103). London: Navy Records Society, 1961.
Book Merry, Ian D. The Westcotts and Their Times: Merchant Sailing Shipowners and the Barquentine "Frances and Jane". London: National Maritime Museum, 1980.
Book Middleton, Charles, and John Knox Laughton. Letters and Papers of Charles, Lord Barham, Admiral of the Red Squadron, 1758-1813, Vol. 1 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 32). London: Navy Records Society, 1907.
Book Middleton, Charles, and John Knox Laughton. Letters and Papers of Charles, Lord Barham, Admiral of the Red Squadron, 1758-1813, Vol. 2 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 38). London: Navy Records Society, 1910.
Book Middleton, Charles, and John Knox Laughton. Letters and Papers of Charles, Lord Barham, Admiral of the Red Squadron, 1758-1813, Vol. 3 (Navy Records Society, Vol. 39). London: Navy Records Society, 1911.
Book Millar, John F. American Ships of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1978.
Book Millar, John Fitzhugh. Early American Ships. Williamsburg, VA: Thirteen Colonies Press, 1986.